Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dear Calliope

I write to you in forgiveness to the recent events. I understand your concern and fear for what is happening or what is about to happen to this small island.  The events that are taking place have shaken up everyone recently, but lately a sense of frustration is creeping into everyone's minds. As a generation we have never seen anything like it before, only read about it in the history books and for it to have been forced upon us in this way is something that took us all by surprise.  Do not fear, for we will rise stronger, smarter and taller than before. Just like the phoenix of legend we will spread our wings and grow bold from the ashes that we have become.

I write this letter in hope that you do not abandon me. I have missed your inspiration and your eloquence. You have been the river from which I have irrigated my crop, yet now that you have gone these crops have gave up life in hopelessness and fear of the unknown; this fear of the undiscovered night that have driven every person on this island mad. With every passing day we lose hope of having our lives back, we lose a smile with every passing moment. Yet there is hope in adversity as there is life in the deepest caves, and with this idea I beseech you to reconsider and come back, not for me, not for any one person here, but for the nation as a whole. Our wells have run dry.

We, as a nation are writing our history together. We are writing our epic for the next generations to read and learn from, and as you have helped Homer write his epic, please help us write our own. Help us fill the pages of our history with your wondrous words and eloquent poetry and tell our story, the story of a small island that have closed its eyes for so long that it does not remember how to the light looks like again. Help us paint the picture of a people who have rejected the voices of madness and bloodlust and who have embraced enlightenment and justice. Help us remember how to smile.

I haven’t had a good nap in God knows when thanks to all the mess we are going through. I haven’t had the mindset to write a new post because my mind is constantly worrying about what might happen tomorrow and what the next broadcast message in my blackberry would be. I haven’t been having a good time with my friends because I try not to listen to another conversation about the events in Bahrain. I rarely look at my twitter timeline, facebook news feed and the TV anymore. I pray for Calliope (my muse) to come back.

*Simon Vouet, The Muses Urania and Calliope, c. 1634


  1. This is beauiful and very expressive...touched right through to my heart <3
    Excellent work
    God Bless!
