Saturday, February 26, 2011

Birthday Wishes!

I celebrate today my 31st birthday surrounded by my family and friends. Even my phone didn’t stop since last night with well wishers sending messages through blackberry messenger, twitter and facebook, so I thank each and every person for making it such a special day for me. I got to enjoy a lovely baby blue cake with my family. Considering the special occasion, this post will be a "special edition" one. Hope you enjoy it.

Normally you get to have a wish when blowing off the candles, and so I made a special wish this year. I wished for having the ability to read people's minds. Silly, I know, but I wanted that, and so I got it. You might not believe me, but just read on and you tell me if this was fantasy or reality. After a sweet nap I decided to go get me a cup of coffee, on the way I started hearing people n cars around me talking but without moving their lips. I pulled up on a traffic light and a brown old car pulled next to me with an old man driving it. He would be the first man I heard his mind as he started thinking: (I will write all the thoughts in italic if you don’t mind) oh Allah, I wonder where my son is? I have to talk to him about his lifestyle, he needs to get a job and help me out, my pension is not enough, and the bank is not giving me any more chances or extra loans. The signal light turns green, the cars move and I lost the thought line. I reach the coffee shop and I start hearing the guy making me my cup of coffee: Someday I will be on the front page of the newspapers as the police arrest me for killing my manager, how dare he keeps hassling me day in day out, he's not even Bahraini, could it be that he thinks Bahrainis are superior to him and he takes it out on me? He hands me my cup with a smile and I leave, with that his line of thought is cut short. Next I decided to go take a walk in a mall I think people with happier thoughts might be there. At the gate I'm attracted to the thoughts of a security guard standing by the door: God I need a smoke, I need to shake off my nervousness so that I can approach that girl selling make up, she is so cute when she smiles, but will she even accept me? I'm just a security guard at a mall, and I keep seeing guys in suits approaching her, I don’t have a chance compared to these guys, it's hopeless. I approach the girl selling make up pretending to buy make up for some girl, but just to hear her thoughts: why does the security guard keeps on ignoring me? Maybe he's not interested in me maybe my hair is messed up tonight, or is my make up not right? I need to go freshen up as soon as this guy buzzes off. Okay, I decide it's time for me to buzz off and give those love birds a chance. I sit down next to a lady and start listening to what she is thinking: where is he? He told me that he wants me to meet him here so that we can go somewhere to be alone. God I hope my husband doesn’t suspect anything, I told him I'm coming to the mall to shop. What if my boy friend's wife suspects as well, I hate her so much especially when she didn’t pay me any attention when she held that dinner. Oh here he is. I decide to go over to the cleaning guy over in the corner:  मुझे आपकी बहुत याद आयी। ज्यादा कुछ नहीं  हम खो गये हैं. Ok that didn’t go too well, so I decide to head to my car, but I accidentally bump into a guy walking and I hear him thinking: I wonder how much I will make in my pocket after I convince my work to buy from my friend? He promised me 10% but I think I deserve more; it's very hard now to convince my boss after that auditor joined. I think my boss should give me a big bonus this year, I'm already doing my job and his, that stupid lazy bum. This wish is now annoying me. I head to my car and start heading home, when a taxi guy happens to pull next to me in traffic: This khaleejy guy is so stupid, I'm ripping him off and he is just so happy that I will drop him at some cheap bar, I even promised I will get him a girl to sleep with, I just hope no other crook gets him before I clean his pockets. I look at the khaleejy guy and he is thinking: wow I heard that Bahrain was liberal, but this is amazing, I feel like I'm in Vegas, I just hope the money I stole from my wife will last the week end at the rate I'm spending now. I'm starting to hate this wish, and I'm looking for a way to block all these thoughts out of my head. I reach home thankfully with my brain still intact. I run to my room, only to be greeted by my mom: oh there he is, thank you god for delivering my son to me safely, I know he is old but I still worry, I love him so much, he is the only one left by my side. He is the reason why I'm still alive. I give my mom a kiss on her forehead and head upstairs to my room. I'm not surprised that I'm not able to sleep thinking about all those people and their thoughts. I never imagined what I would have experienced today. I finally sleep and when I wake up the next day I find out that I am not able to read anyone's mind; thank God for that.

This post was inspired to me, so I have to give credit to this person. I know I'm not good at storytelling but it's an attempt to paint a picture that not everyone is happy and not everyone is who we think. Now you should ask yourself, was that a fantasy or was it reality. In the spirit of suspense, I will let you guess. Finally I would like to state that I'm a firm believer that all humans are good in spirit, but are corrupted by internal or external influences.

The characters in this story are fictional; or are they!
oh and happy birthday to me.. RIP Marilyn Monroe


  1. Keep it up Bu Ebrahim

  2. Happy Belated Birthday!
    =D i loved this piece; especially the "indian" part, lol.
    Keep up the good work. I look forward to reading some more!
