Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Litany of Hate!

On the 21st of February I headed, like thousands, to the rally that was called to support the King and his government. It was a great scene of strength to all those who have kept silent for far too long. We went there with hope in our hearts. We went there asking for the world to witness our solidarity and unity.  On the way I was listening to the Bahraini radio where lots of people were calling and showing their pride in participating. As for me I had a pride in participating in a rally that would show unity between the two major Muslim sects in Bahrain. I could say one thing; Epic Swindle!

Many might not agree with me when I say that on the way back I felt disappointed at what I have witnessed. Don’t take me wrong, I do feel proud at standing my ground with my fellow Bahrainis at what could be considered the biggest rally any of us witnessed, but the speakers raised a few eyebrows. Furthermore, what's the deal with the "national unity" thing? I thought it was the name of the rally, but I was stunned when the organizers declared that we were all inducted in a new party or political society unwillingly. Forced baptism? It sure felt like that to me. I don’t mind with people creating new political societies that suit their political alignment, but please do not try to force a political view or spectrum down my throat. We were all called over by my king and country to serve, and I heeded the call like all of those who participated. What I didn’t expect was that it turned out to be a gathering led by Dr. Abdulatif Almahmood; now don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the honorable university professor, but I do reserve my right to disagree with his appointment as a leader to the sunni community, because that is what it looked like. Actually I don’t want a sunni leader, nor do I want a Shiite leader, or any religious leader in the country, simply because we already have a leader in his majesty the king and we should all turn to him for leadership. Religious leadership only will serve as clear indication to our nation's division down the religious lines. I stand behind the crown prince and refer to myself as a Bahraini with absolutely no sub division or reference, like a "sunni Bahraini" or a "shiite Bahraini" or any o the like.

I have lived my life here in Bahrain acknowledging that we live in a multi cultural society, our neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, and places of work are all a melting pot of this Bahraini culture. For God's sake, I have many shiite friends and NO ONE has the right to take them away from me. I have to acknowledge also that times have changed but that shouldn’t mean that we should just surrender hopelessly down and go silently into the dark night, we should at least make an effort of fighting those who will divide us into sects, colors and classes. I don’t want Bahrain to be Lebanon and neither does any sane human being. We don’t want to be like an African nation that is rife with civil wars. We don’t want the Nazi party to come back to life in any shape or form. What we do want is to be able to live in peace together, to try and tolerate each other and give enough freedom of expression but with clear limits as to not to offend another. We want to be able to drive to schools, universities and work places not worrying about our safety on the way. We do not want to worry about to which sect does the person sitting next to me belongs to.

I do not question the good intentions to those who spoke or those who organized this gathering, nor do I question their national pride or their want to serve, but I do reserve the right to disagree on the way it should be done. Just like in any democratic country we see the socialists, the liberals and the conservatives all working towards the same goal but through different means. That is how a healthy society should behave. I encourage the establishment of more political societies that would involve the young into their structures, but let those young minds choose to which they belong. We should have societies based on political ideology not on color or creed. This political awareness should eventually be the catalyst to a better society. We should also encourage the culture of debate and non-offense based freedom of speech.

These are my thoughts, and not influenced by anyone else. I have listened to those who spoke and to those who have disagreed within the crowd, and have slept those nights thinking about what have happened in the gathering. I have developed my point of view and this point of view is not engraved on stone, rather I am a human being that knows how humans can be corrected. I try to keep an open mind to all those who give their views equally but do defend my brain from the filth that some throw at us. What I will do next time there is a gathering is to research more who the speakers are and what will be the agenda of the gathering; imagine being in a gathering where the speaker suddenly announces us part of a new communist party! That should be a funny episode indeed.

Now, more than ever, is the time to stand behind our leadership and drive through just like being on a ship in the middle of a tempest. Finally don’t let those with forked tongues take over our minds with their litany of hate.

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