Friday, August 1, 2014

Try Harder Or Walk Away

Throughout our lives we face choices, dilemmas and situations where we need to choose between two. That is what basically life is all about. Choosing between doing good or bad, happiness or sadness, or even if you have enough power, between life or death. But it seems that the most important choice we have to do on a daily basis these days is should we eat that beautiful piece of chocolate or should we resist the temptation.

Regardless of the choices you are presented with, there is a more important choice that I feel has the power to always change our lives, and that is when it comes down to humans and the relationship between humans. Be it man and woman or a group and another group. These choices are the most important for both ends. For us making the choice, and for the ones who are being chosen. I do not mean the dilemma or the situation where you choose between two men, or two women. What I mean is when you are presented with a choice between trying harder to reach out to another human or to walk away and give up on reaching an understanding with that human. That is always the most important choice anyone can make in life. To give someone a chance in your life is always a better option. To give life a chance is always the correct answer to any question. We naturally do not tolerate much from others, regardless of who the other is. It is only the level of that other person's importance to us or to our lives that dictates the level of patience that we need to apply in order to not take that dreadful decision to walk away. So how about we apply that same level of patience to all that we know or meet. Think about a very important person in how much you have tolerated from and compare that with another and try to see what your reaction will be in both situations. You will notice that there is a big difference between the two, and you might even give an excuse that the first person is very important in your life be it personal or work related or otherwise but still very important as to not lose. But why do we have to categorize the importance of humans? Are we not all important to ourselves and to some? Is that "not so important" person so low as to not be important to anyone else? Clearly that measure of categorization is flawed.

It is pride that dictates the level of patience. Pride in who to give our time of day. If that person is in our mind below us then we rarely tolerate anything from this person but if this person is in the opposite direction then we try so hard as to bend backwards to please. And I'm not only talking about higher and lower social positions; it can be applied to higher and lower in terms of love life as well. Do we have a right to raise and lower people? Do we have the divine authority to categorize who we accept and who we dismiss so easily? It is our pride that presents that power to us as the apple was presented to Adam before us, as a temptation. 

We think of ourselves as the superior, that is why we place people into mental levels like toys on a shelf. Yet we forget that the superior does not need levels to put people in, because all humans deserve respect and deserve chances regardless of who they are. The superior knows that all humans do mistakes and all humans regret mistakes, and that all humans learn and keep on learning until the day they fade away.

So the next time you have a choice between trying harder to reach out and walking away from a human always pick the first option and be the one who opens their palm in acceptance. Be the one who smiles to those who frown, for maybe they smile back.

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