Saturday, January 29, 2011

Excuse My Language!

I have to admit that this particular post is actually a reaction to something I read which deeply disappointed me. Usually I wouldn't give a stupid thought a moment of thought, but not this time. I will not post the exact quote that made my blood boil, rather I will try to convey it in my way. The reason is that I do not want to offend anyone, and especially the person who wrote his thought, but I do reserve the right to contest it in my way.

This person has obviously noticed the amount of people who are following closely the current events in the Middle East and are trying to voice their opinions or their views. Somewhere around this thought, this person may have felt that the amount of people reacting to the recent events is not a healthy feature and that people should maybe at least follow the events without reacting and posting their thoughts on the matter on social media sites. Now i really hope that you get the picture of what this person said, as it was said in no more than fifteen words only, but that I consider what was said by this particular person as being dangerous to say the least. I tried very hard to make excuses on behalf of this person, although I have to admit that I did not make my feelings known to him/her. Its not cowardice on my behalf, but rather to strengthen my argument I have to give enough space for people to freely express themselves before demanding it for myself.

I tell this person, please do think about what you have written, because you are actually hinting that people should not think about politics and just leave it to "those who are more capable". This exact idea is what separates freedom of speech from gagging the masses. Plus, it is extremely healthy for people to think, from their point of view, about all aspects of their life. Politics is not a monopoly for certain amount of people, because it effects us all. Voting is a political activity, so I hope your not against people voting for whoever they think is suitable. So i fail to see how or what is "dangerous" about people voicing their views about the recent events, or any future events. I also fail to see why this person unfairly labeled those who make clear where they stand as being "make-believe-political-scientists". Should we ban twitter, facebook, internet and maybe even satellite TV and start broadcasting propaganda material so that this person feels safe and comfortable? Maybe even go to the extent of hounding those with opinions just because they have not studied political science?

Buddy, I hope I haven't treated you unfairly. But what was said should not go unnoticed, although truth be said, no one commented on what was said by this person, which should be enough evidence on its own. Just try and imagine how a democratic society could even exist without freedom of expression!

In this day and age our lives is as much intwined with politics as it is with economics, so please let people make political mistakes and let them learn from them, because this is how a society can evolve.

"Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so." Voltaire

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