Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Cry of Pain in the House of Laughter

Have you ever had a nightmare where you are trying to cry for help but no voice is coming out of your mouth? How you end up waking up suddenly covered with sweat? Well, at least you end up waking up. How about if you wake up and you still can’t hear your own voice or your cry of help? That would definitely be a nightmare. This is basically the sad situation in Bahrain.

We have had so many celebrations and ceremonies of loyalty in the past month than we had in the past 10 years of King Hamad’s reign. The people are almost drunk with the euphoria of a false victory. Yes, a very false victory. Think about it. Who did you defeat? The Shiaa? I still see them here living in Bahrain. Where else would they live anyway? I still see the country in a state of security deadlock. I still see the economy rocking like a small boat in a sea of storms. All the while we are celebrating and the country is slipping dangerously down a dark slope into the dangerous unknown. Sadly I have to admit that many Bahrainis have turned into unthinking drones that repeat the mantra that everything is okay and all is well on this paradise island. Now you have to understand that we as Bahrainis have turned into several sections. One section is the Shiaa who constitute a big slice of the population and they definitely don’t see that everything is alright and dandy, and who the majority of them sadly submitted their thinking brains to their religious leaders, exactly like some of us have done to our religious leaders. Another section is the Sunnis who are daily celebrating and going out of their way to participate in any show of loyalty to the leadership; those have also sadly submitted their brains willingly. Then we come to the minority of thinking human beings from both sects who see and witness that this country is far from healthy again, but who sadly have chosen not to take part in anything and live their lives as if they live on the moon. I have to admit that some people just got fed up and started living their lives normally regardless of what is happening around them, but that sort of negativity is not helping and which actually harms the very fabric of this country. You simply cannot ignore the devastation to society that pushed us back to the dark ages. Some action needs to be taken and soon or else all will be lost.

You have so many sectors of society that have wronged Bahrain as a nation, and honestly we have all wronged Bahrain in our own way during this crisis. Be honest with yourselves and look at what you have done and what you could be doing to help Bahrain in its time of need. One of these sectors of society is the business men sector. Just look at those leeches that used the crisis to gain more profits. Who have ever heard of a fast food restaurant that serves or belongs to a sect? That’s just ridiculous actually in a so called civilized society. Those business men have always sliced up Bahrain, and they will always do that unless society rises up and solidifies against them. If you don’t believe me just take a look at your preferred newspaper and the many pages that those businesses have dedicated to show loyalty to the leadership, and during the crisis they were very suspiciously silent because they were observing who would win in the end so that they would jump to the winner’s ship and declare their unlimited loyalty. They think that Bahrainis are stupid, and to be frank they got some kind of point in thinking that unfortunately. We got in our society also the religious so called leaders who climb on the shoulder of religion in order to be called politicians. I absolutely despise them for doing such a thing. Religious leadership was only successfully pulled off by one man in Islam and that was the Prophet Mohammed. All of those who came after him were political leaders who have taken religion as a way of life and a guide for leadership not as an excuse to solidify their leadership claims. Those so called leaders use the simple instincts of human need for spiritual guidance to invade their minds and spread fear to anything that is different to their religion or sect. They even use their charity centers as political party headquarters. A place to brew political agendas and plots instead of a center that should provide help for those in need, and how many are there in desperate need.

There are many more examples of those who would prey on Bahrain to strike a claim to further their status in this time of crisis, it would be impossible to count them all in one post. The sad fact is that we, those who have the blessing of thinking for ourselves, are crying out in pain at what we see being done to our country yet are unheard just like that nightmare I told you about where you cry out but no voice is coming out.

I’m sorry if I have offended you in this post, but I’m just crying out of pain.

1 comment:

  1. بسم الله عليك من ال pain
    ثانيا سمعت انك تفكر تكتب بالعربي اممم اعتقد اللي يكتبون العربية كثيرون لكن اللي يكتب بلغة انجليزية وبحرفنة وبمهارة وبشكل مؤثر جدا هو شخص واحد اسمهm7amd
    اتمنى من كل قلبي الاستمرار في الكتابة
    لانك كاتب خطير لم يحظ بفرصة للاسف
    لكنها آتية :)
    اتمنى عدم اعتبار ال comment مجاملة
    لانك تستحق الاطراء لتمتعنا اكثر
