Friday, May 6, 2011

Age of the Hypocrite

In the age of the hypocrite, truth is taboo. That's what I have realized during 31 years of experience so far. A simple way of putting it is to ask yourself have you lied to anyone today. Chances are that you have, but you would probably argue that it was a "good lie" that was meant to make someone feel good or avoid an embarrassing situation. What I say is that once you get used to lying then you won't notice the difference. The latest crisis have opened up my eyes to a much real world than what I have had in my mind, and that have made me take a better prospective of people around me, and myself of course.

We all lie, and that’s a fact of life, whether we like it or not. What makes us a better person is the admittance that we lie and especially to ourselves. We also have different faces to show, and don’t tell me that you don’t because you do. Take it for example a side of you that only your family sees, another side would be your colleagues at work or the person that sells you clothes at the mall.. Etc... You get the point. So yes we all have different faces that we take off and put on in different situations and occasions. That does not necessarily mean it is a bad thing, it's just bad when you fool yourself into thinking that you are the only angel surrounded by a planet full of demons. The question is not whether we do these things or not, but why we do it? A difficult question if you really think about it. More importantly is the effort of lying or deceiving worth all this trouble? I have mentioned in a previous post about when Gulliver encounters the mythical race of Houyhnhnms, and if you can remember or refer to them then you would know that they are a race of sentient horses on an island where horses are the masters and the humans are the animals. They also do not behave like humans, but rather think that most of human behavior is barbarian or what they call "yahoo". One of the behaviors that they do not know about is the concept of lying. They were actually asking Gulliver at one point why would anyone utter words that are not true. They believed that talking was a blessing and privilege that need not be wasted on such corrupted ideas such as lying. Another funny thing they did not know about was the concept of politics, simply because they can't be successful politicians without saying lies after lies. Shows you where politicians stand, in the cages with the rest of the "yahoos".

I try not to judge anyone but myself, and I do stand with all the rest of humanity in the act of lying and deceiving. You see, God didn’t create a pure Adam in heaven; he actually created a very flawed creature, with some elements of corruption to pass down to the rest of humanity. I believe that is a fact, but that’s not the point, rather the point is how has the strength and willpower to challenge these features and inheritance? For God promises heaven if you just put in an effort, because He knows how few would even come close to succeeding in this challenge. So I do not remove myself from this argument when I say that can't we just cut back at our lies? Can't we just try to keep a minute of purity in our day to keep us from sliding into "yahoos"? I believe we can and that is won't be that hard anyways. It's not meant to be difficult; it's just difficult as a first step to take, just like having the courage to jump into a cold swimming pool.

Trust is the only thing that keeps us together as humans and not go around killing each other… hmmm, wait; I believe I should take this sentence back. Still, I firmly believe, as always, that we as the descendants of Adam and Eve, who have smelled the air of heaven and have mistakenly given that up, have inside each and every one of us a great reserve of goodness that when needed will rise up and save us at our times of need. All we need to do is just listen very carefully to this voice of good and help it grow louder and louder.


  1. كل شي يحيط بنا يعلمنا النفاق التلفزيون الاخبار القرارات الدولية المنظمات العالمية
    لما اعد اثق بكل ماحولي من امور
    واشعر اننا نعود بقرون لأيام الدولة الاموية والعباسية حيث المكائد والنفاق في كل جانب محمد اهنئك انت مشروع كاتب ارجوك لاتتوقف عن الكتابة بل تتواصل مع من يقدر هذه الموهبة واشكرك ثانية على اخبارك لي بقصة جاليفر الذي لم اكن اعرفه من قبل

  2. اتفق معك بان هذا النفاق ليس الشيء الموروث إنما هو مكتسب.. وشكرا على الثقة اتمنى ان استحقها
