Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Two Wrongs Make a Right

In this age of enlightenment and scientific superiority who would have guessed that humans would reverse it's so called evolution and become spiteful little savages. My guess is that actually this trait has never really left our conscious mind. You don’t believe me? Switch on your TV and flip to any news channel you may prefer and see for yourself. When concerning Arabs on the other hand, we seem to take it to another level altogether.

I'm criticizing my own kind not because I despise myself or where I come from, but because I like to think that you criticize because you care. Regardless of what I think though, it is a major concern to many people that the level of calls for revenge is rising up throughout the Arab world at an alarming rate. We first had some revolutions and protests that have ousted corrupt regimes, and I was standing fully behind it like Tunisia and Egypt. Now we have calls for blood from these noble revolutionaries against their former rulers. I do understand how injured you still are but murdering an old man who was once a symbol for everything you hated will not heal any of your injuries nor will it bring sudden and immediate prosperity to your nations. I still remember the day some fools who call themselves Iraqis murdered Saddam and cheered over his body thinking that they have had the final laugh. In fact what they have done was only for revenge, for they have gladly handed the great nation of Iraq into the hands of the Iranians. Why would they do that? Out of revenge of course. We also saw thousands in Iraq lose their lives over just because they had the unfortunate bad luck of having the wrong name in the wrong neighborhood. Although these same people have been living by each other for decades or even centuries, but the call for revenge have wiped all of this harmony in an instant, to be replaced by bloody calls for holy justice.

What would we expect if Egypt takes its first steps on the slippery road to revenge? I would expect instability that could last for more decades than what Mubarak has ruled over them. What I would expect out of them though is to stop all the calls for revenge and let justice take its course. That would be the surest way of building a formidable nation. Street justice has always been a regrettable fact in nation's histories, so please do learn and avoid this painful lesson. Oh, and don’t try and fool yourselves with false justice and false trials, thinking that your conscious have been purified, for two wrongs do not make a right, no matter how you try to shape it. Facing fire with fire is not an option anymore.

Finally I will have to touch upon my country. Bahrain is obviously going through what I can only call a tough rebirth, and it is up to us ordinary citizens and those who love Bahrain to insure that the child will not be a deformed monster. I do not call on government to act, nor have I ever called for any government to act, because I'm a firm believer in human power to change all that is around him or her. This power, if put into good use, will be our salvation to a better Bahrain. A Bahrain that knows no revenge and knows only justice.

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